Air Rally competition consists of 10 legs. Pilots fly them one after another and get championship points for every completed leg. Once a leg is completed pilots move to the next one. Competitors are allowed to re-do the flight only in case of incorrect one.
The winner is the pilot who has more championship points.
Teams of 2 or more pilots get championship points too and compete between each other.
Only General Aviation (GA) aircraft are allowed, limited by "light aircraft" category (MTOW 5,679 kg) or lighter. Piston, turboprop/turboshaft engines are allowed, jet-engine is prohibited. Pilots use the same aircraft type during the whole event.
Pilots register for certain competition via the website or Discord server, at own discretion. Competitors then download and use the VATSIM Sports Client for declaring and flight data.
Team logo cannot contain trolling memes and stuff (respect to aviation). Event administrator can reject any team logo on his own decision giving advice what to change.
All flights has to be done online on VATSIM. Pilots file a flight plan with correct aircraft type, departure and destination fields. Using flight simulator "pause" function is forbidden. Touch`n`go is allowed only where it is prescribed by rally legs.
Event administrator uses official VATSIM Stats website to check the flight was done online on VATSIM. Using flight data coming from ARClient event administrator determines championship points and track pilots (we don`t use online trackers anymore).
Competitors get championship points in three ways:
Pilot gets 10 points for flying a leg. These points are fixed and non-changed.
Pilot gets points for time precision, following next structure:
Initial 300 points
1 penalty point for every second of difference between planned and actual en-route times (doesn`t matter "too early" or "too late").
Pilot gets points for soft landing, according the next:
0-25 ft/min --- 300 points
26-50 ft/min --- 250 points
51-75 ft/min --- 225 points
76-100 ft/min --- 200 points
101-150 ft/min --- 175 points
151-200 ft/min --- 150 points
201-250 ft/min --- 125 points
251-300 ft/min --- 100 points
301-400 ft/min --- 75 points
401-500 ft/min --- 50 points
Soft Start - different way to score the first air rally leg. Pilots receive championship points:
10 points for flying a leg.
Time precision:
100 points for 2 minutes 30 seconds difference or less
50 points for more than 2 min 30 sec but less than 5 minutes difference
Soft landing:
100 points for 0-250 ft/min
50 points for 251-500 ft/min
Scoring a team:
Team got scored in case of 2 active pilots (results from different members).
Team gets championship points for every leg.
Team result for a leg = average score of 2 best results among team members (pilots).
In case of pilots\teams are equal in championship points, and it needs to determine award winner, the winner is who has more points for time precision.